Cafeteria Information

Food and Nutrition (USDA)                                                                                                           

Summer Meals for Children During the Summer Months

How does the Summer Meals Program work?  The USDA funds the Summer Meals program. Sponsors are chosen by ISBE. Sponsors figure out a food service to supply the meals, fill out reimbursement forms, pay for the food up front, and choose sites (specific places where kids can go to get meals). These sites provide the food to kids, set up activities, and keep track of how many kids come every day. Sites are strategically located to help serve the greatest number of kids and the areas that need summer food the most!

Summer Meals Illinois


Summer Meals


If you have been laid off or dismissed from your employment and could use assistance with school lunches, we encourage you to pick up an application for free/reduced lunches.  You may qualify for assistance in paying for school lunches.  Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Winkelman (446-3349 ext 1226).  The forms are available in both the grade school and high school offices and can be filled out any time of the school year.  You can also click the link below to download the form: